In one of my courses, a potential final project is to write a play a day for a month, in the same spirit as Suzan Lori-Parks 365 Days/365 Plays project. While I am not doing said assignment (I chose the always reliable presentation), I am curious to try my hand at this. At some point, I may start doing this and I may post them here on the blog for all to read. Mostly though, I think it is an interesting and unique idea, one that will be difficult and hard to achieve.
Similar to this, I have tried my hand at writing a poem everyday for a month and I thought this might be a good time to do that. While I certainly have a lot on my plate at the moment, I think a bit of creative verse might help ease the tension and keep my "head in the game" if you will.
With that said, I plan to start this process tonight and post it the next morning. I will be generating new content everyday and while many of these poems won't be good, I hope it will be an enjoyable experience.
Some ground rules before I begin;
1. I can not go back and edit these poems for content, only grammar. In doing this, I hope to get the task of writing everyday down and not so much produce a "masterpiece" every time. It's the experience, more than the result I am going for.
2. I must try and write in at least three different poetic forms. Once again, this is about the experience. My poetry is very modern in it's style, owing less to a rhyme scheme and more to rhythm and image. In this regard, I fall closer to the William Carlos William's of this world than the John Donne's. So, part of the experience for me will be to try my hand at a few different forms, to broaden my scope and style of writing, hopefully. With that said...
3. Nothing is off topic and what comes out, comes out. This might be the death of the whole project, but in attempting to write a poem a day for 30 days I can't really think about it too much. While I can certainly plan ahead, what comes out when pen hits page (or keystroke hits screen) is what is going to come out. This relates back to my earlier statement of not editing for content. If this is going to work, I feel it needs to be "honest."
I hope whoever falls on this blog will enjoy at least some of the poems I write and will at least enjoy this process with me! Tomorrow, it begins...
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